Everything that was true about that game is true here, and if you want a more exhaustive detailing of what’s fresh about this edition’s new roster, please refer to Digital Trends’ review. Up front, it should be stressed that the fleet fighting demonstrated in Smash 3DS perfectly translates to the big screen. The action’s the same, but the package itself is unexpectedly different in ways both big and small.

for Wii U is precisely that, but against all odds, it’s just as surprising as its handheld brother. Perception transformed it into a big and beautiful showcase for this already great game, with the added bonus of multiplayer hijinks on a single, shared screen. for Wii U seemed to no longer be the main event.

More than that, Smash 3DS turned out to be one of the best portable fighting games ever made, densely packed with both single and multiplayer activities, with fast fighting that massively improved on 2008’s Super Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS was a very big surprise in a very small package, in that it didn’t feel like an opening act for Super Smash Bros. Not all stages are available for more than 4-players. Transferred data and characters from Nintendo 3DS are weirdly restricted.